View and access Punch-out Suppliers

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To view your Punch-out Suppliers, first navigate to the Punch-out Suppliers page.


When you arrive at the page, your Punch-out Suppliers will be listed.

In our example, three suppliers are listed - and arranged under the core category of goods that they supply. If you want to punch out directly to their web site, click on the globe icon.

From here, you can find out more details about suppliers - or punch out directly to their web sites to select items.




If you want more information about a supplier, click on the magnifying glass. A pop-up screen will appear with details.
If you want to punch out directly to their web site, click on the globe icon.
Punch-out Suppliers can also be listed in an alternative screen layout style where supplier details and access to their web sites are accessed in a slightly different way, as follows.
If you click on the logo, then you can punch out directly to the supplier's web site
If you click on the word Details, then a pop-up screen will appear with details about the supplier.



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