Find alternative products

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After you search for products, the results are displayed.


If you wish, you can find alternatives to any product listed in the results – and carry out a side-by-side comparison.


Note: The Find alternatives option only works across internally-hosted catalogues. Comparisons are made with items that have identical manufacturer’s item numbers.


To find any alternatives, first check the box next the product that you want to compare with others.




Then click on the Find alternatives button in the menu above.




Your selected product is now displayed on the left – with any comparable alternatives on the right.



The page shows the comparable price and any savings possible by switching products.


If you prefer a comparable product, then select the alternative instead by selecting the radio button.




Then set the order quantity and click Add to basket. The items will then be added to your basket.


Alternatively, click the Reset button on the right - if you want to go back to the previous product.




You can also click on the Back to results button to return to the previous product results.



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