Search for a supplier by product category

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To view the Supplier Directory, first navigate to the Supplier Directory page.


The Supplier Directory page lets you search for suppliers by name. But you can also find suppliers using a product category.
Rather than using the main search window, type a word to search for in the category description beneath.


Then click the Find category button. The possible categories available are then displayed.




Categories are shown on the left. You can scroll down the full list of categories, using the slider on the right.


Next, select as many categories as you wish.


After making your selection, click on the Search button (above right). The results are then displayed.


You can broaden or narrow the results by adding or removing categories. Click on the Show criteria button.


The list of categories and tick boxes then reappears - above the results.




Simply make your new selection and click on the Search button again.


You can also click on the Hide Criteria button to make the category tick boxes window disappear.



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